• H-169 , 1st Floor , Noida Sector-63 (up)
  • enquiry@nikatby.com
  • +91-923-486-3988

Nidhi Software

Nikatby is a online web based Nidhi Company Software Noida built especially for Nidhi Company with automatic posting of business data to accounts module. Websoftex is a .NET based centralized database online software for Nidhi Company Software with core banking operations such Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposits, Daily Deposit Schemes, Loan to Customers, Monthly Income Schemes, Dividend declarations etc. Websoftex handles the Members details. Websoftex handles all Saving A/c, Current A/c, FD A/c, RD A/c, DDS A/c. Websoftex handles management of Cheque book, Pass book and Bond. Websoftex handles all kind of Loan operations, Printing Loan Ledger, Automatic Interest Calculations.

Nikatby has integrated General Accounting Module with Cash-Bank Book, Journal Entries, General Ledgers, Trial Balance, Day Book, Fix Deposit, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet etc. Fully secured database with role based security implementations.

A Nidhi Company is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members. Members often have a close association with the enterprise as producers or consumers of its products or services, or as its employees.

Nikatby has been working in software development since last seven years. In that period we have design lot of websites & software, "Nidhi Company Software" is one of them. Before developed that our experts research on that in very deep and understood the concept also. After more research on that we started the work to develop the "Nidhi Company Software" software. Our team thought that lot of limitation in window base like core banking, real time updation is not available etc, so we decided to develop that application on Web.


  • Member & Share Management
  • Dividend Declaration
  • Compulsory Saving
  • Loan
  • Fixed Deposit
  • General Accounting
  • Saving
  • Recovery Sheet